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来源:   发布日期:2023-10-30



Günter Beyer博士,EUPEN 电线电缆公司(Kabelwerk Eupen  AG)


Alberto Frache教授,都灵理工大学


Rossella Arrigo教授,都灵理工大学


1. October 30, Monday

13:20–15:00:room 4003, Teaching Building 8#, Zhongguancun Campus

Dr. Beyer:

FR for industrial products like cables-1

Prof. Frache:

Flame-retardant polyolefin systems -1

• Evaluation of recycled PE containing Al: thermal stability and combustion behaviour

15:15–17:45:room 605, Graduate Teaching Building, Zhongguancun Campus

Prof. Arrigo:

Processing/microstructure/properties relationships in polymer-based complex systems -1

• Basic rheological measurements and structural analysis of thermoplastic polymers

• Role of rheology in morphology development and processing of thermoplastic polymers

2. October 31, Tuesday

10:30–11:30: BIT Xishan Campus

Dr. Beyer: FR for industrial products like cables-2

13:30–16:30: BIT Xishan Campus

 Processing/microstructure/properties relationships in polymer-based complex systems -2

Prof. Frache:

• Designing 3D printable polypropylene-based formulations

Prof. Arrigo:

• rocessing and compatibilization of biopolymers-based blends

3. November 1, Wednesday

8:30–12:00: BIT Xishan Campus

Prof. Frache & Prof. Arrigo:

Experimental on rotational rheometer

• Pure polymers, blends, nanocomposites,… specimens

13:30–14:30: BIT Xishan Campus

Dr. Beyer:

FR for industrial products like cables-3

4. November 7, Tuesday

9:50–12:20: room 2005, Teaching Building 8#, Zhongguancun Campus

Dr. Beyer:

Nanocomposites for the cable market

Prof. Arrigo:

Recycling and upcycling strategies-1

• Effective upcycling of polyolefins

5. November 8, Wednesday

15:10–17:40:room 338, Building 8#, Zhongguancun Campus

Dr. Beyer:

Extra FR formulations for the cable market

Prof. Frache:

Recycling and upcycling strategies-2

• Efficient recycling of disposable filtering masks

6. November 9, Thursday

15:10–17:40:Lectures in room 2005, Teaching Building 8#, Zhongguancun Campus

Dr. Beyer:

FR for industrial products like cables-4

Flame-retardant polyolefin systems -2

Prof. Frache:

• Effect of different macromolecular architectures on the charring ability of polyethylene and flame retarded polyethylene-based composites

Prof. Arrigo

• Biochar derived from different sources: effect on the thermal stability and fire retardancy of polymer composites


Günter Beyer博士于1984年获德国Aachen技术大学博士学位。1984年进入比利时EUPEN 电线电缆公司(KabelwerkEupenAG)工作。1996年开始负责比利时EUPEN 电线电缆公司研发部材料研发工作,任化学-物理实验室(包括电缆燃烧测试实验室)主任。主要研究领域包括:高分子科学,反应挤出,辐射交联,阻燃,纳米复合材料和其他纳米结构阻燃添加剂,基于锥型量热仪的火灾危险和风险测试。多次在纳米复合材料、阻燃、电缆领域的国际会议上做特邀报告,任会议主席。迄今发表250余篇论文。2009年编写出版了《皇冠体育网址》一书,在工业线缆界首次使用纳米技术,并因此获得多项大奖。

Alberto Frache 教授 2003年于东皮尔蒙特大学获博士学位,2004年博士后研究,现为都灵理工大学教授。主要研究领域包括:纳米复合材料功能化研究和基础研究;黏土、碳纳米管、POSS纳米填料对聚合物流变性能和结构的影响;纳米复合材料的加工方法;纳米复合材料力学、热性能、阻燃性能评价;采用纳米粒子阻燃纤维的方法研究;纳米-生物高分子、纳米-生物复合材料的应用研究。在国际学术期刊发表文章80余篇,会议论文100余篇,主持并参加了多个欧盟重点项目的研究。

Rossella Arrigo教授于2013年在Università degli Studi di Palermo获得博士学位,现为都灵理工大学教授,主要研究领域包括:纳米复合材料工程与科学,高分子阻燃材料加工,流变学,3D打印技术等。在国际学术期刊发表文章及会议论文105余篇,并主持两项意大利国家级科学研究项目。






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